
Fine Pacific Spirits Imports & Blends (Pre-Launch)

Represented by directors from Scotland, Australia, and Canada, the purpose of Bottler’s Marque Company Limited (UK) is to bring Fine Pacific Spirits that are little known to spirits explorers in the UK. The inspiration for this purpose arose from lengthy expat life for two of us in Asia who left the mainland separately and converged later in the Philippines. There, we uncovered a regional spirits industry focused on producing locally-specific rums, unique botanical gins, and exotic fruit liqueurs.

With one director already located in the United Kingdom, and another relocating there soon, the inspiration is to bring these extraordinary spirits to British shores with us. It has been an amazing series of journeys so far meeting dozens of local estate owners, distillers, blenders, bottlers and purveyors of Fine Pacific Spirits.

The fruits of these journeys have now been distilled into our own initial offering of Pacific rum professionally blended and independently bottled to bring the flavours of the Philippines, Thailand and the Pacific side of Panama together for you in the United Kingdom.

Bottler’s Marque ‘Pacific Blend One’ (naming in process) is on its way to the United Kingdom, soon. Join the journey with us to bring the unique tastes of Pacific regional rums, gins infused with local botanicals, and liqueurs made from exotic fruits like calamansi to the United Kingdom.

Sign up for pre-release details and ordering information, today.

Become A Trade Partner

Find out more about becoming a trade partner in bringing fine Pacific spirits to the UK