Fine Liqueurs

Liqueurs are the essence of the desire to celebrate an extra special occasion. The most popular liqueurs include coffee liqueur, cherry, banana, orange, almond, walnut, coconut, and licorice liqueurs. Sometimes enjoyed on their own, the concentrated fruit and nut flavours of liqueurs more often complement cocktail options like rum and gin highballs that, when combined with juice, garnishes and spices like anise and cinnamon, can make for those extraordinary drinks we all crave for special occasions.

Importing fine Pacific liqueurs

Bottler’s Marque has been on the lookout for new and exotic liqueur flavours from the Pacific to help you enhance your unique celebrations. One such liqueur on our radar is an extraordinary calamansi liqueur from a long-established family distiller in the Philippines. Calamansi is a unique, lime-like fruit available only in the Pacific.

Experience the Pacific

We look forward to bringing exotic liqueur options to you in the UK, soon, so you can experience the best the Pacific has to offer in spirits.

Sign up for pre-release details and ordering information and join the journey with us to bring the unique flavours of relatively unknown Pacific liqueurs to the United Kingdom.

Become A Trade Partner

Find out more about becoming a trade partner in bringing fine Pacific spirits to the UK